With all the health probs making headlines these days—cancer, obesity, thyroid disorders, the Zika virus—the World Health Organization (sadly) has no shortage of ailments to choose from for its focus on World Health Day, which is today. So it might come as a surprise to hear that the crisis it’s most concerned with right now is mental health.
“Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide,” according to a WHO press release, which also reveals that 300 million people are now living with depression, up 18 percent since 2005.
“These new figures are a wake-up call for all countries to rethink their approaches to mental health and to treat it with the urgency that it deserves,” says WHO director-general, Margaret Chan, MD.
“These new figures are a wake-up call for all countries to rethink their approaches to mental health.”
Depression and anxiety don’t discriminate. It affects everyone: young and old, men and women, and every race. The WHO points out that even in high-income countries, 50 percent of people with depression don’t seek treatment.
Fortunately, more people are speaking out about living with depression and anxiety, including a large number of celebrities, like Selena Gomez and Kristen Bell. And the wellness world is focused on highlighting holistic ways that truly help, including eating mood-boosting foods, acupuncture, mindfulness, and supplements. Depression is undeniably a worldwide crisis—which makes the mental health realness we’re seeing everywhere, from celebs to your co-workers, such a welcome trend. Source: Well+Good