Welcome to the 21 day Winter Rejuvenation and Cleanse Program!☀️ January 10th to 31st. This program centers on weekly nutritional plans that are a mix of seasonal, anti-inflammatory, and whole food eating. First, there will be two posts: the foods we favor and reduce in winter season. Secondly, an overall winter shopping list. Week1 we will be using a high speed blender(vitamix/nutribullet) to create smoothies, soups, and bowls in season. The easy to follow recipes along with grocery list will be posted by every Saturday for the actual week. You will have to post a photo daily with your meal creation.☀️ You can mix and match recipes or pick up something on the go. However, this program is a return to self-care so making food yourself benefits the most.? Don’t forget to use hashtag#cleanseME2016 in your post. You are also welcome to post anything that motivates or inspires you throughout the cleanse. There are Whole Foods market goodie bags for those who participate the most by posting, tagging, and liking photos. So excited for this rejuvenation with you all!❤️

Winter rejuvenation and cleanse2016. Foods to favor: ☀️Starchy veggies, such as sweet potato, root veggies, and squash; cold weather greens, such as sea veggies, kale, collards, and chard, artichokes. ☀️Warming spices, such as cinnamon, ginger, cumin, salt, black pepper, chiles, and vinegar. Unrefined sweeteners such as maple syrup, raw honey, and molasses. ☀️ Warm, spiced almond milk, diluted yogurt. Raw or home roasted seeds and nuts, but butters. ☀️Rich oils such as ghee and sesame. ☀️Moist grains such as brown rice and oats. ☀️Sweet and heavy fruits, such as oranges, bananas, dates, figs, papayas, mangoes, grapefruits, and lemons. ☀️Proteins such as lentils, small beans, tofu, and eggs, most meats.

Winter rejuvenation and cleanse 2016. Foods to reduce: ?Dry foods, such as chips and crackers. ?Raw foods ?drying grains such as millet, rye, and barely. ?Cold foods, especially dairy ?Fruits and veggies that are not in season